Metro ticket against plastic waste

The mayor Virgina Raggi has introduced a new system, in Rome

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new system

Mountains of rubbish and the overcrowded bins are almost impossible to get rid of in Rome. Also, plastic waste is everywhere. The Mayor, Virgina Raggi has now introduced a new system.

100'000 bottles have already been disposed of

At three subway stations there are automats in Rome where one can exchange plastic bottles for metro tickets. The passengers put the plastic bottles into a vending machine that loads money for tickets on the phone via app. For each bottle there is five cents via the system "+Ricicli +Viaggi" (recycle and travel). Since the introduction of the vending machines last summer, 100’000 bottles have already been disposed of. Since the underground tickets are relatively cheap at 1.50 euros, you can get a free train ticket for 30 plastic bottles.


+Ricicli +Viaggi
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