Swiss waters are full of garbage

115 tonnes of plastic waste end up in Swiss waters every year

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Only since approx. 11 years one researches in Switzerland because of garbage and plastic in waters

Our waters seem to be clean, but unfortunately this is no longer the case. This was the result of a study conducted by Empa on behalf of the Federal Government and published in July 2019. Garbage and residues of microplastic particles were found in all samples. In some waters more and in others less.

Lake Geneva and Lake Maggiore are dirtiest

The concentrations of the contaminants are very different. However, Lake Geneva and Lake Maggiore are the dirtiest waters in Switzerland. There, twice as much microplastic was found per litre as in other lakes in Switzerland, such as Lake Zurich.

Where does the garbage come from?

The garbage cannot be washed to us by other countries, so we are responsible for it ourselves. No rivers enter Switzerland, they all flow out of the country...

In general, we are exposed to microplastics via sewage treatment plants. This cannot be avoided 100%, although in Switzerland we have a very high standard of construction for sewage treatment plants. The population density is also a problem, we always have a bigger population and they automatically make more garbage again. Activities on the shore, currents in the waters also have an influence and even while driving we lose micro parts of the tires that can land in the waters.

Microplasty on the finger

The main problem of microplasty

Unfortunately, microplastics cannot be filtered out of the water as easily as other living organisms, such as fish or microorganisms, have to suffer as a result.
Fish themselves cannot make a difference whether the small particles floating in the water are microplastic or food, so they also absorb the plastic and the chemicals inside. How this affects the animal and our body is unfortunately still too little researched. But can chemicals be healthy for our body? hardly...

Tip: If possible do without plastic or at least dispose of it correctly!

What is microplasty?

Microplastics are solid and insoluble synthetic polymers, i.e. plastics that are smaller than five millimeters. Microplasty is mainly absorbed by humans through eating, drinking and cosmetic products and is in turn eaten by marine organisms.

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